
Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Immersion assembly

Where pt england school hall
Why first day back at school
What Immersion assembly 
When monday october 14th  
Who pt england

On monday morning october the 14th. It was our first day back at pt england school.  we had to line up for Immersion assembly to go to the hall. ‘’Can you guess our theme’’.’  First when we got to the hall Mr J told Mr burt if he can tell a story but he was telling a song. After Mr J told half of his story Mr Somerville came with his motor scooter It looked like he was gonna run someone over.      

First we watch team 1 beautiful movie. It was about Cinderella not going to the dance party. After we watch team 1 movie it was team 2. So we started to watch. After we watch all of the team one we line up to go back calss

1 comment:

  1. Fakalofa lahi atu Jezer! I laughed when I read how Mr Sommerville looked like he was gonna run someone over. Mr Sommerville must've been nervous driving his scooter down to the hall. I wonder which part of team 1's video of Cinderella did you enjoy the most?

    Jezer, keep writing! You've got good ideas, keep working on adding more details to your writing. For example 'his black, smooth motor scooter'. Keep proof-reading & editing your work.


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