Friday, 28 May 2021
Learning about our Solar System🌌
matheson bay Trip
Kia ora today i'm write about the trip about goat island or should i say matheson bay. The reason why we did not go to goat island is that sadly a whale was showed up on shore and die so that why we did not go to goat island anyways let get to the start of the trip. It start it off with us in the bus.the bus trip was so long that i went to sleep two time.when we got there we all sat down on the grass and listen to all of our swimming teacher.
There were 6 swimming instructors. i did not know there name but there were professional swimmers. After they were talking about what might be in the water they spit us in to groups. I was in team 1 but some of the other were in team 2. In the first Activity team 1 went to go snorkeling and team 2 went to learn about the water steam. Of course the Wet suit was hard to put on. It took me like 3 minute to put it on but i got some help from my friends. When all of us got prepared me and my friends were Arguing about what we could find.
As we got ready we went in the water and tried to look for some fish. Me and my friends could not find any fish but suddenly we saw a kina in the water me and my friends were so happy we got to see one but we want it to see some more fish so we had a competition. The competition was who could find a fish in the water but of course we could not find a kina because we already found one so we had to look for another sea creature.
When the competition started we had to get out of the water. Why because the other group came so we went to learn about the water steam it was cool founding creature that live in the water steam but we all had to go back to school.
Wednesday, 26 May 2021
Poster About Uranus
What i have learned from the planet Uranus is that it is a cool planet in our solar system and i think it is my favourite planet out of all.
Monday, 24 May 2021
Word that relate to Matheson bay

Friday, 21 May 2021
What i want in the Further
what i want in the further is a car so i draw a car but it not the car i want. the car i want is a jeep. why i like it is because it look so cool.
My Leadership goals
Tuesday, 18 May 2021
Improper Fractions
Monday, 17 May 2021
Water Worries
Words that start with Astro
today i'm looking for words that start with Astro. here is what i worked on. if you wan to see more words here is a link. click here
Wednesday, 12 May 2021
facts about the sun
today i have been doing work at home.what i have done is a poster about the sun. i hope you enjoy all my facts about the sun.
One Quarter poster
this is my one quarter poster. the stuff i had it write was the number line of one quarter ,the percentage of one quarter, a word problem of one quarter and much more. i hope you enjoy my one quarter poster.
one half poster
this is my one half poster. the stuff i had it write was the number line of one half,the percentage of one half, a word problem of one half and much more. i hope you enjoy my one half poster.
Monday, 10 May 2021
Report on Rotuma Language Week
Rotuma Language week
here is a link for more information Rotuma Language Week
Noa’ia! That’s hello in the Rotuman Language. My Information report today will share with you some important facts about Rotuma.
Rotuma is Located in the southern hemisphere. There are 4 island near by Rotuma. To the North of Rotuma is Tuvalu, to the East is Samoa,to the South is Fiji and to the West is Vanuatu.
The Population of Rotuma is 1,594. Less then 2,000 people on the island. Most of them live on the island Fiji the Population of the rotuma people that are living on Fiji is 10,000. More then the people that are living on Rotuma.
The two main Language that Rotuma people speak in is English and Rotuman. But the number one Language that Rotuma speak is Rotuman. There are only 15,000 people that speak Rotuman in the world.
Rotuma and the people thats speak the language are trying to get some new people to learn the Language. Rotuma is not a big country but they are steal living so it will be really good if you guys try to learn it so here is something that you could do with a friend, start a group and then learn the Language.
Thursday, 6 May 2021
Facts about the Earth
Decimal Fractions 1
Decimal Fractions 2
Wednesday, 5 May 2021
my kiwi kids news articles
Monday, 3 May 2021
watch this space Term 2
my favourite part of the assembly was how the team 2 teachers was dancing and rapping and going crazy. when the team 2 teacher were dancing and going crazy it looked like they were enjoying themselves and they had confident and did't give up.